Good Contents Are Everywhere, But Here, We Deliver The Best of The Best.Please Hold on! +01 (414) 230 - 5550

Day Care & Activity Center

The most wasted of all days is one without laughter. ~ E. E. Cummings

Daycare or extended day programme is offered to children studying in our Montessori. While our children spend time under the guidance of trained teachers and mentors, they mostly enjoy unstructured and free play along with a lunch break. They may choose to read, play together or just nap. Stories, puzzles, outdoor play, craft and painting fill up our quiet afternoons, along with the treasures of our well stocked library.

Our hours are flexible and parents can keep their children for as many hours after school. We are open from Monday to Friday and close at 6.00 pm everyday.


Our Activity Centre is open to children from our school and the neighbourhood, and we welcome children aged 3 to 16 years. Our evening classes are used by our daycare children, teens around the area and parents who are keen to supplement school-based learning with joyful activities.

We offer an array of activities designed for specific age groups and mentored by trained facilitators:

· Fitness and yoga

· Cookery Clubs

· Phonics & Reading

· Communication skill programmes

· Singing and more

Clubs operate through the year except in December, April and May, which are reserved for our popular Christmas, winter and summer workshops. Our holiday workshops are a medley of pottery, scrabble, photography, creative writing, Zumba and more!!

For information on the current evening activity schedule, please get in touch.